"You know what? Yeah, maybe 99 out of 100 people will disappoint you. But I don't know....I think you find the magic of the world in the margin of error." --Hart of Dixie

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New Tunes Tuesday (On A Wednesday!)

It's Wednesday! (Yes, I know, it's supposed to be Tuesday.) But since today is HALLOWEEN and freaky stuff always happens, I figured I could still post this week's New Tunes Tuesday and everyone would survive. Well....maybe not everyone.

This week's blog goes out to a miraculous little man I have never heard of before (and I don't really think he's little). His name is Brent Anderson, born and raised in the hills of Mississippi (does Mississippi even have hills? For today, it does.) Anyway, I found him last week on iTunes when he released his debut album titled, "8 Track." It's very fitting considering there's only 8 songs. I listened to the first one, liked it, listened to the next one, liked it, and then, well, needless to say, I bought the whole album. And you should, too! Because it's wonderful. Really.

So enough with the fluff, I know you want the tunes. Today I picked 2 of my favorite songs out of his grand total of 8 (It was a very difficult choice. Don't you dare think for one second it wasn't!). The two songs for today are called, "Jesus in Japanese'" and "Amy." "Amy" is actually taken from part of the old song, "Aime" from Pure Prairie League. And in fact, two of the original members of Pure Prairie League are actually singing background vocals on this song for Brent. Pret-ty cool, huh? You'll dig it. Trust me. Also, ya'll should listen to, "I Could Use You," and "When She's Cryin.'" I would've posted videos, but I couldn't find them :( Sadness.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween! BOO!


Brent Anderson--"Jesus in Japanese"

Brent Anderson--"Amy's Song"

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Nashville Shananigans

JENAE!!! No Forest. Not Jennay. JENAE! CHERRY!

Last week I spent my wonderful fall break from law school down in Nashville, Tennessee. I know. You're jealous. But since I love you all so much, I brought the country back with me. And now, I shall share.

As it turns out, one of my lover boy's teammates was down visiting his brother at the exact. same. time. WHOA. Their OTHER brother and his lady friend came down and joined them as well. Needless to say, shit got crazy.

(The boys)

While the boys were hanging out, I was rocking out. To who you say? The lovely Miss Jenae Cherry! That's who! Another twist to this wonderful little story, my boyfriend's teammate's brother is actually DATING a girl who lives in Nashville and is trying to make it big. And boy oh boy oh boy, does girlfriend got it goin' on! (If you're confused, I made you a nice little storyline to help you out.)

Me (super cool, musically obsessed, law student) > Justin (my boy toy, super cute but super pain in my rear baseball player) > CLEVELAND INDIANS (don't get me started) > Brett (enemy turned friend, red-haired baseball player who, ironically, is dating a lawyer himself) > Brad (Brett's major league pitcher brother) > NASHVILLE (duh) > Jenae Cherry (super adorable, super AMAZING singer/songwriter from Wonder Lake, Illinois)

 (Aren't we cute?!)

It's all clear as mud now, right? Right. Anywho, enough with the shananigans. I know you're all waiting for some super cool new tunes because let's be honest, that's what New Tunes Tuesday is all about! So here it is folks.....some amazing original music from the lovely Jenae Cherry! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do! (And Brett likes it, too. Don't let him lie to you like that.) If you want to hear some more of her songs, she has an EP available on iTunes and ya'll should probably go check it out! Also, feel free to stalk her on Twitter (@jenaecherry). I know I do.

(Me and Jenae)



Jenae Cherry--"Around"

Jenae Cherry--"Not Today"

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Don't Act Like You Didn't Miss This

It's Tuesday Tunes Day! And although you may have thought I fell off the face of the earth, unfortunately for you, I did not.

Today's lovely artist that I have chosen is Tristan Prettyman. She's been on the scene for quite some time now (dating back to my high school days), singing with the likes of Jason Mraz and G. Love, but I wanted to pick her for today because her new album came out and it is just BREATHTAKING. Classy and timeless. I think it's fantastic. For those of you who don't know who she is, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I've included one of her older songs that made me fall (Madly) in love with her music (pun intended) AND one of her new songs (Deepest Ocean Blue). So, after this, be prepared: you WILL be a fan!

Have a WONDERFUL day my dears! :)


"Madly" by Tristan Prettyman

"Deepest Ocean Blue" by Tristan Prettyman