I had my heart officially "broken," I got a puppy, I quit my job, I
started my own business, I moved 3 times, I slept on an air mattress
for 6 weeks straight, I dated a 35 year old, I fired a 45 year old, I
became a professional Bachelor tweeter, I lost my best friend, I gained a
new one, I reconnected with my high school best friend, I started a
relationship with my brother, I felt other
people's pain, I spoke at a convention, I realized there's more than meets the eye, I realized
this minute is all we have, I got a tattoo, I shot a gun, I rediscovered
ME, I found a passion, I started my hobbies, I stood up for myself, I
learned how to say 'sorry,' I watched my high
school become state champions, I got up early to workout, I finally switched my license, I bought my first Husker
shirt, I kept in touch with old teammates, I became obsessed with Bloody Mary's, I started drinking vodka tonic, I developed a political opinion, I got my first spray tan, I started being a
real friend, I filled empty holes in my heart, I made a dog sweater out
of a hat, I missed my mom's love, I grew in my relationship with God, I figured out how to use
an Apple TV, I almost ruined a Thanksgiving turkey, I decided I
love Nebraska, I became a regular
at a coffee shop, I gained the best 'second' family on the face of the
earth, I literally ran my car out of gas, I found people who would
die for me, I found people who I would do the same, I learned to
love the sound of my own laugh, I learned it's okay to cry, I
learned a night to yourself is always good, I learned that getting off
your ass when you don't want to is always good, too, I saw what $4,000
worth of drycleaning looks like, I bought my first washer and dryer, I
went camping with my friends, I got a financial advisor, I learned awkward situations are everywhere, I learned to get over them sooner
rather than later, I stopped caring what other people think (mostly), and, the big one........I
learned how to forgive myself. For big mistakes, for little mistakes, for falling in love, for trusting too much, for
things that weren't my fault, for things that were my fault, and for everything else in between.
Yes, 2015 was a long, hard
year, but 2016 is right around the corner.
Happy New Year ya'll :) --JS