"You know what? Yeah, maybe 99 out of 100 people will disappoint you. But I don't know....I think you find the magic of the world in the margin of error." --Hart of Dixie

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Warrior Dash Nebraska

Well this could get interesting.

And I quote: "This is going to be the body beating drinking party of the century." You heard it my friends. $hit's 'bout to get crazy.

What is the Warrior Dash you might ask? Well....according to the website it's 3.3 hellish miles with 12 different obstacles along the way. Obstacles? Pshhh. I know what you're thinking. But let's get serious here. Obstable #1.....barricades and barbed wire. Obstacle #2......fire. Ummm??? Yes. You do have to sign a waiver. (I could see it in your eyes).

After finding out about this crazy day of shannigans, I immediately rallied the troops. What we came up with was 6 crazy S.O.B.s all looking to kick some a$$ and have a good time. And a good time my friends.....is exactly what we shall have. If you're looking for us on June 9, you can find us under our team name: the Blonde Bombshells. The three that aren't blonde are the bombs. The other three are...well....you know.

In case you're interested, you can check out the 3.3 miles of hell here: www.warriordash.com

1 comment:

  1. Love This. I'm either doing it here--or if I'm abroad this summer--I found one in London!!! Love your team name--obvi named after you. oxo
