"You know what? Yeah, maybe 99 out of 100 people will disappoint you. But I don't know....I think you find the magic of the world in the margin of error." --Hart of Dixie

Monday, May 14, 2012

True Life: I'm In Law School

You can just call me 'Jenny the 2L.' Or not.

I was going through my blog and found this draft that I never posted. Turns out, it's quite hilarious. Since the first year is over and all we can do now is laugh, I figured I'd post this bad boy and give you guys a little glimpse into the last 9 months of my life. It's HIGHLY entertaining. Enjoy!


So one disastrous evening earlier this semester, one of my fellow classmates and I were having a lovely texting conversation about all the non-sense we've been doing since we started law school. Essentially, we are now utterly pathetic, find ourselves flipping shit at the drop of a hat, falling asleep in our chairs, and turning into substance abusers.

But on a much lighter note.....

The conversation turned into a stand up comedy show, with us throwing back and forth one liners that we would either A) Want to title a book or B) Want our MTV special of 'True Life' to be called. The following ensued:

1) True Life: I Just Woke Up In My Computer Chair and I'm Pretty Sure I Was Drooling.
2) Life Styles of the Poor and Sleep-Deprived.
3) True Life: We F#$%ing Suck.
4) True Life: I Drink Half Bottles of Wine Just to Get Through My Homework During the Week and By Friday I Want to Die.
5) True Life: I Wake Up In the Middle of the Night Thinking I've Just Been Called On
6) True Life: My Classmate is Russian and Wears Fur to Class
7) The Law School Library: Where All Your Wildest Dreams Come True (At Least While I'm Napping)
8)True Life: I Never Knew a Mormon 'til I Went to Law School

And recently, we've had some more pretty good one liners from our professors. They might just take the cake.

1) You're not stupid, you're ignorant.
2) You're lucky I'm not currently exercising my second amendment right.
3) If you can't identify the issues, the dental school is over there.
4) Well, I guess actually F$%#ING the draft might be illegal. Not entirely sure how you'd do that.
5) The secret to writing a good multiple choice exam is to write the wrong answers so that they prey on the confusion that lives in the students mind. Muwahaha!
6) Shut up and go sit the F$%# down.
7) Oh my goodness! My phone went off. That's so weird. Usually no one ever calls me. Except Nate. Sometimes Nate texts me. I'm so popular!
8) ‎I'd like to say she landed on her feet but really, she landed on her back, in playboy.
9) This isn't a restatement of anything, this is intellectual masturbation.
10) ‎Because no one has ever been to a carnival and been sexually attracted to someone that works there.
11) How exactly do you service a Howdy Doody?
12) Can you make it real to me? Your response wasn't entirely intellectual.
13) We have a case here where people are literally SHACKING up!
14) I've really enjoyed having you all this semester. Well....maybe not all of you (pats student on the head).
15) I sometimes wonder today, about today.
16) ‎My throats a little sore, and what happened to my arm? It's gone.

(Quotes courtesy of Ms. Kayla Wingard, who so graciously kept us updated on our sick law school humor all semester long.)


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